About Jennifer Yamada

Jennifer Yamada
Jennifer is an ALIST founder and writer. She is currently a graduate student at California State University, Northridge, pursing a degree in mass communications.
Angry with a Purpose

Last week I read a blog post by Lela Lee, the creator of Angry Little Girls, about why she's so angry and how the main character, Kim, was born. I was--and still am--a big fan of the so called Angry Little Asian Girl (I even own a shirt, which, according to my mom, describes me half of the time). I ... Read more...

Somewhere Like This

Lately I've been spending time watching Wong Fu Productions videos on YouTube. I didn't realize how amazing their works were, and how they really showcase Asian Americans outside of mainstream media as normal people--not nerdy, kung fu fighting, quiet individuals that we all know too well. Alth... Read more...