Join ALIST: Columnist Application
Hello writers! Do you want a more steady, structured writing beat, or conversely have opinions you’re dying to share with ALIST readers? Interested in your own piece of ALIST space to captivate readers and demonstrate your creativity?
We are launching some new and exciting set of columns for the print issue, as well as (competitive) space for additional columns on TBA topics. The columns are:
Follow the ALISTer
This column will highlight trailblazers and individuals who are up and coming that you should follow.
Where are they now?
Ever wonder where that actor or actress or executive from….went? In this column we will sit down with them and find out what they have been doing.
Trending Now
Do you know what will be the next hottest thing? This column will be responsible for finding the the trending movie, musician, career, profession, apps….
Diversity Discussion
This column will put you in touch with diversity and inclusion executives, employee resource groups and business network groups and talk about what is happening in the world of diversity and inclusion.
What’s in your bag?
This column is a showcase of different tools / gadgets that different people use on a regular basis. The columnist is responsible for asking a person to show us what they carry around in their bag, eg. smart phones, apps, etc. This is a fun way to get to know people, whether they are techies, or road warriors.
Day in the life
Columnist is responsible for identifying and contacting guests who will write a brief story on a representative day in their life.
Trends / News from Asia
Columnist is responsible for writing about new trends and/or key news from Asia. Could be related to entertainment, food, lifestyle, travel, business, politics, etc.
Leadership Advice
Columnist is responsible for writing about advice about leadership from various industries, trends and quotes.
Blogger Corner
Columnist is responsible for writing about up and coming bloggers to watch out for and to get their insights on how they are successful.
Job Details:
-Columns range from 500-700 words, depending on the issue
-Accepted columnists must get Executive Editor approval on topics before writing
-Creativity required!
-Feel free to pitch your own column
How to apply:
Email the following to:
- Resume, including any past journalism/writing experience
- 2 writing samples (essays, past articles, opinion pieces, etc.) longer than 500 words
- If you are interested in the above structured columns: your ranked preference and a brief (~500 word) description of: why you want your first choice column and at least 3 ideas for potential columns/topics/content you would aim to write about.
- If you are interested in a column of your own outside theme: a ~500 word description of what the theme(s) of the column would be and at least 3 ideas for potential column topics along that same vein. The more detail, the better!