ALIST Magazine Pre-Anniversary 2017 Issue

We are celebrating our 5th Anniversary in 2017 and we will be touching base with some of our past interviewees to see what they have been up to.
Our packed anniversary issue will be released later this year, but in the meantime please read our Pre-Anniversary 2017 Issue.
In this issue we bring you interviews with: John Tien of Citibank; ALISTer, Sebastian Anderson; Frank Wu of UC Hastings and Committee 100; our Feature: Srinivas Reddy of Prudential; Jimmy O. Yang, Comedian and Actor; The Director and Cast of the movie (William Lu, Chris Dinh and Julie Zhan), Comfort and the 2016 NAAAP 100 Honorees (Juju Chang, ABC News Journalist; Thomas Park Clement, Founder and CEO of Mectra Labs; Dr. Victor J. Dzau, President of the National Academy of Medicine; Dr. Omar Ishrak, Chairman and CEO of Medtronic; Dr. Santa J. Ono, 15th President and Vice Chancellor of the University of British Columbia) and the inaugural NAAAP Inspire Honoree (Brian Wong, Co-Founder and CEO of Kiip).