Print Edition

With over 17 million Asians in America (according to the US Census Bureau) and Canadian cities like Vancouver with a population that’s around 50% Asian, the dearth of Asian-focused publications is a wonder. Of course, there are publications like Hyphen Magazine and Koream who have blazed a trail for us. Jeff Yang, who started the legendary A Magazine now runs the popular Tao Jones blog with the Wall Street Journal. Yet, with such a large and influential demographic, the lack of Asians in media, or Asian media, rather, is astounding. What about nationally-distributed magazines to rival Forbes or Fortune?
Enter ALIST. You’ve checked out our site but there’s much more to come. The inaugural issue of ALIST Magazine launched with our Autumn 2012 edition at NAAAP‘s National Convention in New York City’s Hilton Hotel. The event kicked off August 23. If you were in the area, we hope you stopped by and picked up some copies–free at the NYC launch, of course! In addition, all NAAAP members are able to access complimentary copies as part of their membership. To have copies mailed to you, please visit our store.
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