This piece was originally published for The Rumpus and is republished here with permission. You can also read Part II, On Jeremy Lin and Singular Models, here. My senior year in Chapel Hill, I finally got up the courage to take a course in Asian American literature. Stupidly, I treated it ... Read more...

Now that the excitement around Marissa Mayer’s appointment to the Yahoo! CEO post has calmed down somewhat, the world waits eagerly to see how she will turn the company around. She may have a challenging road ahead of her with the turnaround, but one thing that she may be able to avoid is th... Read more...

He was the API community’s Trayvon Martin, the API’s Rodney King: a terrible reminder of the failure of the justice system that galvanized the first substantial pan-Asian movement for solidarity, advancement and civil rights. “I want justice for my son,” said Lily Chin thirty years ago, ... Read more...

When Andrew Poon graduated from high school, he remembered thinking to himself, like many graduates: “Now, I’m going to change the world.” Three years later, he took steps to do just that, through the foundation of his non-profit organization, R.E.A.C.H. An acronym for “Relaying Empo... Read more...

Paula Yoo innovates. She makes things up for a living, weaving fantasies and realities for different characters together to create a story. She is a novelist, picture book writer, and screenwriter for popular television, including NBC’s The West Wing, Fox’s Tru Calling, and SyFy’s Eureka. ... Read more...