Happy 2016! In this issue you will find articles on Bangladesh Women, learn how Andrew Ly and his brothers started the Sugar Bowl Bakery, hear about Bo Thao-Urabe who is the Commissioner, Commission on Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders, read about NAAAP Spotlight on Panney Wei, NAAAP Sen... Read more...

We are pleased to release our first digital issue for 2015, featuring Padmasree Warrior of Cisco. In this issue you will also find articles on Ai Ching Goh, Co-Founder & CEO of Piktochart; Tracy Chou, Software Engineer at Pinterest; Julia Hu, Founder & CEO of Lark Technologies; Amy Sheng... Read more...

1953: Mark comes home from work, and his daughter runs to greet him. His wife has already put a home-cooked dinner on the table. 2013: Martha comes home from work. Since it’s already past her child’s bedtime, she tip-toes into her sleeping daughter’s room to quietly kiss her on the forehead... Read more...

As Thanksgiving draws near, I am reminded of how important family is. Yet, increasingly, workers who have family responsibilities find themselves torn between their commitment to their jobs, and taking time off to care for family members. I am talking about workers who face family responsibility... Read more...

As the November 2012 elections draw near, I would like to examine why Asian American women should vote. Your vote in this year’s critical election could help shape two big issues – healthcare for the aging population and your reproductive rights. This post lays out each candidate's position ... Read more...